The adhesive was prepared by konjac glucomannan ( KGM), H2O2, crosslinking agent, fillers and so on. 以魔芋胶(KGM)、双氧水(H2O2)为主要原料,通过加入交联剂和填料等制备了环保型魔芋胶胶粘剂。
GSA selective chemistry profile-control-water-shutoff-agent is mainly consisted of organic low molecular and crosslinking agent and stabilizer agent and bactericide. GSA选择性化学调剖堵水剂主要由有机低分子、交联剂、稳定剂和杀菌剂等组成。
A kind of fully blocked polyisocyanate crosslinking agent with low deblocking temperature was synthesized and the reaction rate and film performance were studied. 合成了一种低温解封的全封闭型多异氰酸酯固化交联剂,考察了合成反应速率和最终涂膜性能。
The anti-crease finish of natural silk with silicone containing epoxy emulsion crosslinking agent EPSIB was discussed. 探讨了乳液型含硅环氧交联剂EPSIB对真丝织物的抗皱整理。
The effects of amount of initiator, crosslinking agent used and monomer composition on the oil absorption capacity of copolymer were studied. 研究了共聚单体的配比、交联剂用量、引发剂用量诸因素对高吸油性树脂性能的影响。
Useing unsaturated urethane, 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, crosslinking agent, high oil-absorbent resin was prepared by suspension polymerization. 用不饱和氨基甲酸酯、丙烯酸异辛酯和交联剂,以悬浮聚合的方法制备高吸油性树脂。
Alkaline protease has been immobilized on chitosan with glutaraldehyde as crosslinking agent. The Preparation of Polysomes and Natural RNase Inhibitor from Rat Liver 以脱乙酰壳聚糖为载体,戊二醛为交联剂制备固定化碱性蛋白酶。大鼠肝聚核蛋白体及其核糖核酸酶天然抑制物的联合制备
The influences of several factors on WA were studied, such as initiation temperature, neutralization degree of acrylic acid, amount of initiator, crosslinking agent, AM and SAS. 考察了引发温度、丙烯酸中和度、交联剂、引发剂、丙烯酰胺及丙烯磺酸钠的用量对常压下吸盐水率的影响。
To prepare the detecting equipment which have satisfied organism material mechanics property of high acuity micro-tension lemma. The results based on the mechanical strength and swelling degree in water indicated that the chloroactic acid was the best crosslinking agent in those tested reagents. 结果:1.研制出了能满足预期效果的高敏度小张力膜状生物材料力学性能检测仪。通过检测膜的力学性能和溶胀程度,得到氯乙酸交联膜的性能在所检测的范围内最优。
Study of Immobilized β-galactosidase Prepared by Porous Ceramic as Sorbent and Glutaraldehyde as Crosslinking Agent 多孔陶瓷吸附&戊二醛交联固定化乳糖酶的研究
Effect of Crosslinking Agent on Solvent Based Acrylic Pressure-sensitive Adhesive for Protective Film 交联剂对保护膜用溶剂型丙烯酸酯压敏胶性能的影响
Study on photocrosslinking of polyvinyl chloride ( pvc)ⅰ. the crosslinking reaction of PVC with photoinitiator and crosslinking agent 聚氯乙烯光交联研究Ⅰ.&交联剂及光敏剂存在下的交联反应
Factors such as molecular weight, kind of crosslinking agent, amount of crosslinking agent, absorbing temperature and absorbing time affecting on water absorbency were studied. 考察了原料分子量、交联剂种类、交联剂用量、吸水温度以及吸水时间等对树脂吸水倍率的影响。
The microgel was prepared by the copolymerization of crosslinking agent A and chloroprene and the sol was prepared by emulsion polymerization. 以氯丁二烯与交联剂A共聚制备微凝胶;用乳聚法制备溶胶。
A interior decorative multicolor paint is obtained by chitosan, as paint membrane, mixing with short color fibers and crosslinking agent. 以甲壳糖为成膜剂,通过掺入彩色短纤维后混入交联剂,得到室内装饰彩色涂料。
Production of Lactulose with Immobilized Lactase on Magnetic Chitosan Microspheres; Study of Immobilized β-galactosidase Prepared by Porous Ceramic as Sorbent and Glutaraldehyde as Crosslinking Agent 磁性壳聚糖微球固定化乳糖酶及其在乳果糖制备中的应用多孔陶瓷吸附&戊二醛交联固定化乳糖酶的研究
Influence of Ionic and Crosslinking Agent on Gelatin Property of Soybean Protein Isolate 离子与交联剂对大豆分离蛋白凝胶性质的影响
Preparing Esophageal Prosthesis by a Naturally Occurring Crosslinking Agent 用生物交联剂制备人工食道用生物材料
Synthesis of Liquid Crosslinking Agent for Light Emitting Diode Encapsulant LED封装用液体交联剂的制备与表征
The high oil-absorption resin were synthesised by means of microemulsions polymerization and heat initiation, and the copolymer were consisted of styrene, acrylates and DEGDA as crosslinking agent. 以苯乙烯和丙烯酸酯为单体,DEGDA为交联剂,采用微乳聚合法和热引发技术合成了高吸油性树脂。
It has been found that initiator, plasticizer, stabilizer, crosslinking agent and composition of blends influence significantly the crosslinking reaction. 发现引发剂、交联剂、稳定剂和增塑剂等对共混物中的交联反应均有较大的影响。
By a series of experiments, the influence of the amount of crosslinking agent, kaolin and of hydrolysis degree on water absorbency of the PVA superabsorbent composite resin were investigated. 通过实验,讨论交联剂用量、高岭土添加量、水解程度等因素对吸水性能的影响。
The effect of polymerization method and dose of crosslinking agent on fabric coating agent. 探讨聚合方法和交联剂用量对织物涂层剂性能的影响。
Using polyethylene glycol dimaleate as crosslinking agent, a high water-absorbent resin was synthesized. 用聚乙二醇双马来酸酯作交联剂制备高吸水性树脂。
Moreover, silane crosslinking agent can help the crosslinking and pyrolysis course of silicon resin. 此外,硅烷偶联剂有助于有机硅树脂的交联与裂解。
The amount of crosslinking agent and conditions of alkaline hydrolysis have great effects on water-absorbency. 交联剂用量和水解条件对树脂吸水倍数的影响很大。
The type and amount of crosslinking agent. 交联剂的类型和用量。
Effect of calcium carbonate, crosslinking agent and catalyst on properties of sealant was expatiated. 详细论述了密封胶中交联剂、催化剂及碳酸钙对性能的影响。
The influence of varieties and dosage of emulsifier, types and ratio of monomers, crosslinking agent and pH value of the system on the effects of thickening were discussed. 讨论了乳化剂品种和用量、单体种类和配比、交联剂和体系pH值等对增稠效果的影响。
The influences of crosslinking agent on polymerization process and performance of the super oil absorbent were explored. 并且探讨了交联剂对聚合过程和树脂吸油性能的影响。